Corporate Information

Held Open-Air Environmental Classes at Nursery Schools as Part of Local Contribution Activities: Also Donated Bitter Melon Seedlings Which Will Serve as Green Curtains in Summer


June 19, 2024

KOKUSAI ELECTRIC CORPORATION (President and CEO: Fumiyuki Kanai, Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan) held open-air environmental classes at nursery schools near its Toyama Technology & Manufacturing Center and donated bitter melon seedlings as part of its local contribution activities.

Open-air environmental class using a handmade picture-story show

Our employee handing bitter melon seedlings to children

Some of our officers and employees visited Fukushima Nursery School and Sugihara Children’s Center, both located near our Toyama Technology & Manufacturing Center, to hold open-air environmental classes using a handmade picture-story show to promote understanding of the environment.

We also handed each of the participating children a bitter melon seedling and planted it together with them, hoping that it would grow big. As the bitter melon seedlings grow in summer, they will become a lush green curtain with lots of leaves. Green curtains block direct sunlight from the windows and help prevent the temperature inside the room from rising.
At Toyama Technology & Manufacturing Center, we have been implementing a wall greening initiative by cultivating bitter melon and butterfly pea plants to create green curtains since 2011, with plans to continue this initiative in the future.

Under the corporate slogan "Technology & Tai-wa for Tomorrow," we will pursue economic, environmental, and social values from both business and ESG (resolving environmental and social issues and strengthening governance) aspects, with the aim of contributing to the achievement of SDGs and realizing a sustainable society and our group’s sustainable development.